The Wheaton Blog

Tips on Moving

Packing How Tos

Unfortunately, protecting your glass and breakables during a move isn’t as simple as bundling them up in newspaper. There’s an art to keeping easily broken possessions like glass safe when transporting them. It requires foresight, specific materials, and constant special care. We want to help! Today, we’re covering everything you need to know about how…

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Packing How Tos

If you ask a group of people what their least favorite thing about moving is, ninety percent of them will say packing. We don’t blame them! Packing properly isn’t just throwing your belongings into boxes; it means taking the time to sort, take stock, organize, and consider everything you have. It’s time consuming, exhausting, and…

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Household Moves

It’s not often that “moving” and “fun” are in the same sentence. Making a move fun simply isn’t really a priority for most people. And why would it be? You have about ten million other things to worry about. Moving with kids is a different story, however. If your kids aren’t having fun during a…

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Moving Specialty Items

It’s hard to move something if it’s particularly fragile, if it’s especially heavy or if it contains multiple moving parts. Some items–like pianos, appliances and glassware–are all of these things at once. Heavy, fragile items require very special care because they’re difficult to move and all-too-easy to damage.  Moving heavy, fragile and delicate items requires…

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New Home Living

Learning (or re-learning) how to live alone is an adjustment best tackled proactively. Pay attention to your living habits and take care to establish new routines. Make note of what (and how much) you eat. Keep a regular cleaning schedule. Above all, take care of yourself!  Living alone is a big adjustment, no matter your…

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