The Wheaton Blog

Moving Van Lines Are Equipped to Handle Expedited Moves

November 23, 2022 | Wheaton Company News

Time and proper planning is necessary when relocating to a new home. Having all the time in the world to plan out a relocation and cover every last possible detail won’t eliminate all of the stress from the move. In addition to the actual move itself, friends and family should be kept in consideration as well as the new relationships you will establish once you’ve made it to the new area you will call home.

However, sometimes people need to move at a moment’s notice. If you receive a job opportunity or decide to go back to school at the drop of a hat, you may not be given time for all of the up-front planning associated with a traditional move. In situations like that, it’s vital to remember what tasks are the most important before beginning to take your things across the country. Below are some moving and packing tips to keep top of mind when you are undergoing this kind of rapid move.

Financial fees

Nobody wants to deal with overdue bills and late fees. More so, they are the last thing you’ll want to deal with when you’re trying to move all of your possessions from one home to another. However, moving from one house to another on an expedited schedule can lead to some bills slipping through the cracks especially since your focus is probably on your future home. Be sure to thoroughly examine all of your utilities bills, property tax forms and other financial information before you leave so you’re free from as many monetary obligations as possible.


As a general rule of thumb, make sure you’re current on your payments before you move (this is applicable to more than just insurance too!). Be sure that your insurance plans such as auto coverage and homeowner’s insurance are applicable in your new home; you don’t want to have to go through the process of finding and replacing policies during or right after your move.


Storage can help to ease the burden of moving. Having the option to set certain items aside while you coordinate a move quickly can free up your focus on the most important items you are moving. If you don’t think you’ll be able to coordinate a quick move for all of your possessions in a short amount of time, simply put most of it away for a later date. If, for instance, you’re moving for a new job, don’t start off on the wrong foot by making yourself late on account of you needing to fit every piece of furniture into your new home.

Relocation movers

The single most important step you can take is to hire a reliable long distance moving and storage company. Pizza, will only get you so far when hiring your friends to help you move and it’s almost impossible to wrangle enough of them on short notice. If you have to go quickly and you want it done properly you’ll want trained professionals to apply the expertise to your transition.

Wheaton Worldwide is a licensed and reliable long distance moving and storage company and we can help you with your expedited move! To request a free, in-home estimate simply go to our website and fill out the short form on our homepage. It’s that simple!

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