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How to Maintain Employee Productivity While Moving Your Office

August 3, 2017 | Commercial Moves, Employee Relocation

Maybe your company is growing so quickly that you no longer have space for all your employees. Or maybe you want to move closer to your customers and clients. Perhaps you even want to save money by moving to an area with cheaper real estate. These are just a few of the many reasons why you might consider moving your office.

Moving can give your company many advantages, including financial advantages. But if you’re not careful, the time and effort it takes to move can cut into your employees’ productivity. Here are a few tips to make sure that doesn’t happen.

1. Assemble a Moving Team

Moving your office involves many details and logistics that you’ll need to plan in advance. Planning these details in advance can ensure that the move goes quickly and smoothly and that employees don’t miss much work time.

The best way to handle these details is to ask some of your top-performing employees to be part of a moving team. Choose a senior member of your company to head up the moving team.

The moving team should meet periodically to discuss and plan details such as:

  • When you’ll move
  • The layout of the new office, including who will sit where
  • A timeline of the move, including which employees and equipment will be moved first
  • What employees should and shouldn’t do during the move

The moving team should coordinate with the moving company to make sure the company’s needs are met.

2. Plan a Convenient Moving Date

As you and your moving team decide on a moving date (or dates), make sure to choose a date that will cause employees to miss out on the least amount of work.

For example, you could choose to move over a weekend or holiday. Employees will be absent during the move, and the office will be ready when they return.

If this isn’t possible, plan the moving day during a slower time for your company. Make sure to choose a moving date that will cause the least disruption to company events such as meetings, conferences, and presentations.

It’s also important to take care of certain moving details before the actual moving day. For example, make sure that the internet and IT equipment are set up before your employees arrive at the new office.

3. Encourage Employees to Help

Employees can help the moving process go more quickly by packing up their own offices or desks. Ask the moving company if they have bins that employees can use to pack their own items. Make sure these bins are labeled so they end up in the right destinations.

You should also encourage your employees to tape and secure their desk drawers before the move. You might even want employees to help clean up their office space. You can send out a checklist to all employees of things they should do before the move.

4. Allow Employees to Work from Home During the Move

During the chaotic moving process, employees may be unable to do their regular work. One of the reasons for this is the noise and activity during the move, but another reason is that employees may not have their regular equipment with them.

This disruption can cause a significant loss of work time. One way to solve this problem is to invite employees to work from home on the moving day (or days). You could even provide company laptops if possible.

5. Find a Professional Moving Service

Choosing the right moving company is crucial to ensure the move goes efficiently and quickly. Working with an experienced corporate moving company ensures your employees miss out on the least possible work hours.

Moving is more successful with a corporate moving company because moving employees have skills and experience that your employees don’t have. For example, they know how to safely move your technical equipment without causing damage. They also know how to move equipment in the right order and to make sure it’s taken to the correct locations in your new building.

Corporate moving is completely different from residential moving, so make sure you choose a company that’s familiar with corporate moving. Before you choose a moving company, discuss your move with them. To get a sense of their experience, ask them how they would handle the move and how long it would take. Plus, ask for a cost estimate on your upcoming move.

Moving shouldn’t cause your company to lose out on money. In fact, it can even improve your revenue over time.

Follow these tips for a successful corporate move that doesn’t negatively affect your bottom line. No matter where you’re moving to or from, Wheaton World Wide Moving can take care of all the details of your corporate move. Call Wheaton World Wide Moving today for a corporate moving estimate.

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